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Easy to grow fruits for small spaces

I do not claim to be an expert gardener but thought share some fruits that I have had success with and can work if space is limited.

CHILEAN GUAVA as shown in the picture. The fruits are small but absolutely delicious and it does not have demanding growing requirements. Whilst quite slow growing it is well worth the wait and you will not find these fruits at the supermarket.

STRAWBERRIES I like to grow mine raised off the ground away from slugs and mud splashes and to free up space in the soil for other plants. Hanging baskets, troughs and even guttering can be used just remember to water well.

BLUEBERRIES Easy to grow as long as you provide acid soil and plenty of rain water. These can be quite expensive to buy in the supermarket and there is nothing mopre satisfying than to walk down the garden on a sunny morning and pick some to sprinkle on your cereal.


PEARS If space is limited these can be grown against a wall or trellis as either cordons or fans and mine have produced lots of fruit. Knowing when they are ripe can be a bit tricky because they ripen from the inside out so pressing the flesh will not be an indicator of ripeness. Just lift gently and if ripe they will come away from the tree. Don't leave too long before eating.

I will do my best to answer any queries you may have about growing these delicious fruits.

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